Here is the copyright notice for Grimsby Town Foundation, with the appropriate changes made: The copyright of all images used on this site remains with the copyright holders. No commercial gain is made from the use of the images on this site. Where copyright does not lie with Grimsby Town Foundation or known individuals and organisations who have provided relevant permissions, Grimsby Town Foundation has made every reasonable effort to trace and contact third party copyright holders. We encourage individuals and organisations to inform us if we have overlooked any items on this website. In such cases, we are happy to negotiate the relevant permissions, or if necessary, immediately remove the items in question from this website.

Takedown Policy

Read our approach to copyright.

The copyright of all images used on this site remains with the copyright holders. No commercial gain is made from the use of the images on this site.

Where copyright does not lie with Grimsby Town Foundation or known individuals and organisations who have provided relevant permissions, Grimsby Town Foundation has made every reasonable effort to trace and contact third party copyright holders.

We encourage individuals and organisations to inform us if we have overlooked any items on this website. In such cases, we are happy to negotiate the relevant permissions, or if necessary, immediately remove the items in question from this website.